PMRS vädjar till omvärlden: Stoppa folkmordet

Palestinian Medical Relief Society (PMRS) är en av tre organisationer som Palestinagrupperna stödjer via vår akutinsamling till Gaza. PMRS har de senaste sju månaderna fortsatt erbjuda vård i hela Gaza, under allt mer omänskliga förhållanden. PMRS vädjar nu återigen till omvärlden att använda alla tillgängliga medel inom den internationella humanitära rätten för att stoppa folkmordet och attackerna mot sjukvården i Gaza.

“The Palestinian Medical Relief Society (PMRS) is dismayed that 7 months into the ongoing genocide in Gaza we are still in need of releasing statements demanding the international community utilise every mechanism available under International Humanitarian Law to stop the genocide, to end the siege, to end attacks on healthcare and innocent civilians.

The attacks on Rafah were supposed to be a red line according to the United States and yet the attacks on Rafah have continued with impunity.

Our teams in Rafah have been affected by the recent evacuation orders and continued bombardment.

Healthcare continues to be attacked in various forms and Palestinians in Gaza continue to be denied their basic human right of access to healthcare.

So far we know:

Al-Najjar Hospital was evacuated. Leaving the Emirati Hospital, which provides some services and is the only maternity unit left. Al-Kuwaiti Hospital, is now a medical point and not a fully functioning hospital.

Most people have now been forced to leave the eastern side of Rafah. 3 PMRS medical points that offer comprehensive primary healthcare including women’s health and mental health services have been forced to m evacuate.

The Mawasi area that Israel claims to be a humanitarian zone is not connected to any services necessary to house an IDP population. There is no sanitation, electricity, water or basic services. The healthcare impact of forcing people to live in these conditions in the context of 7 months of genocide is beyond disastrous.

The first genocide being live streamed on social media and yet the world remains stationary somehow. Over 31,000 Palestinians, mostly women, children and elderly have been slaughtered. Over 78,000 have been injured. Every healthcare facility has been attacked and impeded in some way. Over 450 healthcare workers have been killed in their place of work. Over 200 healthcare workers have been abducted, detained illegally and tortured. The main entry point for the scant aid being allowed in, is now under siege. The recently opened Eres crossing has barely any supplies going into Gaza.

Gaza deserves to breathe.
Gaza deserves to eat.
Gaza deserves healthcare.
Gaza deserves to live.

PMRS demands the following actions to be enacted immediately for the sake of the 2.1 million people left in Gaza:

Demand that Israel be sanctioned and cut off from arms.
Demand an immediate ceasefire.
Demand healthcare and healthcare workers be protected as they have the right under IHL.
Demand healthcare workers be able to fulfill their duties as they have the right under IHL.
Allow unhindered aid into Gaza.
We demand that ICRC be allowed into Israeli prisons to oversee the treatment of some 8000 political prisoners, including over 200 healthcare workers taken from hospitals in Gaza.”

Läs mer om akutinsamlingen och PMRS arbete